CTVHC adopts the Child Protection Policy proposed by England Hockey which states:
- That the safety and welfare and children should always be of paramount importance in all circumstances.
- A child has the right to be protected from abuse regardless of age, ability, gender, racial origin, religious belief and sexual orientation.
- The rights, dignity and worth of a child should always be respected.
- Everyone working with children has a moral and legal responsibility to safeguard and promote a child’s welfare, in particular when it comes to protecting children from abuse.
- That special care is needed in dealing with children whose age, inexperience or physical state makes them particularly vulnerable to abuse.
- This policy applies to any person or organisation involved in the care of children in Hockey. A “child” is defined as any person under the age of 18 years, and anyone over the age of 18 years who may be vulnerable by nature of impairment or disability.
CTVHC has also adopted The Children Act (1989) which states that anyone who is involved in the care of children should ‘do what is responsible in the circumstances for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare.’